Arctic Competition 2023

Arctic Competition 2023

Sept. 26, 2023

The INTERRASCAN team, together with scientists from IZMIRAN and the Construction Research Center, became the winner of the second prize at the International Competition of Scientific, Scientific, Technical and Innovative Developments aimed at the development and exploration of the Arctic and the continental shelf (Arctic Competition 2023) for the project “Monitoring the dynamics of permafrost degradation using deep high-resolution pulsed electrical prospecting", direction "Development of science and technology".


Diplomas were awarded to:


Alekseev Andrey Grigorievich, head of the center for “Geocryological and Geotechnical Research” NIIOSP named after. N.M. Gersevanova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Honorary Builder of Russia


Duisinaliev Nurbulat Amangeldievich, General Director of INTERRASCAN 


Antipov Vadim Valerievich, leading geotechnician, web developer of INTERRASCAN 


Gorkin Dmitry Sergeevich, leading engineer of the laboratory for diagnostics of ionospheric processes IZMIRAN


Sakhterov Vladimir Ivanovich, senior researcher at the IZMIRAN Laboratory for Diagnostics of Ionospheric Processes, Ph.D.


The award ceremony took place on September 26, 2023 at the International Conference and Exhibition on the Development of Oil and Gas in the Russian Arctic and the Continental Shelf of the CIS Countries (RAO/CIS Offshore), held on September 26-29, 2023 in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2013 No. 989-r.


The international competition of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative developments aimed at the development and exploration of the Arctic and continental shelf has been held annually since 2014 with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, which once again emphasizes the importance and relevance of its goals - to contribute to the creation of sustainable socio-economic development and development of the Arctic and continental shelf, stimulation of scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities, creation of conditions for the introduction into production of developments that are of interest for the development of scientific and technical potential.